Butiama Bed & Breakfast

Butiama Bed & Breakfast

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

40 Tourism undergraduate scholarships offered at Saint Augustine's University

Mwanza's St. Augistine University has introduced the Abraham Scholarships Program to students for the Tourism and Hospitality Management Degree Program.

The scholarship will cover tuition and dormitory fees only. Applicants are expected to meet the following conditions:
  1. Be accepted as a student in the BScT program.
  2. Fill out the special application form.
  3. Write a brief autobiography explaining an interest in becoming a tourism professional.
  4. Submit three letters of recommendation from a religious leader [such as a priest, sister, Brother, minister, or imam], a teacher and a parent.
  5. Be personally interviewed.
Link to the application form:

More details on the Abraham Scholarships Program from SAUT here:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Academic Scholarship in Tourism


We look at recognizing these scholars across the globe to motivate them for a responsible and sustainable tourism .The Tourism Trust Provides Academic Scholarship for Tourism Management student.