Butiama Bed & Breakfast

Butiama Bed & Breakfast

Friday, 21 January 2011

Elifariji Lima donates Sh.1.5 million to the recent Kilimanjaro charity climb

Mr. Elifariji Lima has donated a total of Sh.1,500,000/- to the recently concluded Mwalimu Nyerere/Mt. Kilimanjaro Charity Climb. Of the amount, one million shillings goes to the Chief Edward Wanzagi Girls' Secondary School and Shs.500,000/- goes to Bukoba Disabled Assistance Group (Budap).

A woman offloads part of the consignment of cement donated by Elifariji Lima after the 2008 Mwalimu Nyerere/Mt. Kilimanjaro Charity Climb
Mr. Lima also donated cement for construction of students' dormitories following the first Mwalimu Nyerere/Mt. Kilimanjaro Charity Climb in 2008.

Current donors to Chief Edward Wanzagi Girls' Secondary School (CEWGSS):
1. Tanzania Gatsby Trust - Shs.500,000/-
2. Dina Mrango - Shs.100,000/-
3. Notburga Maskini - Shs.100,000/-
4. Elifariji K. Lima - Shs.1,000,000/-

Current donors to Budap:

1. Notburga Maskini - Shs.100,000/-
2. Elifariji K. Lima - Shs.500,000/-

Total donations to CEWGSS: Shs.1,700,000/-
Total donations to Budap: Shs.600,000/-

If you wish to donate, please follow the instructions on the following link:

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