Butiama Bed & Breakfast

Butiama Bed & Breakfast

Friday 20 July 2012

My version of the year 2011 in review: 28 June

After the Musoma "Mara Region Tourism Route Designing Meeting" we split into three groups to inspect some of the potential routes for tourists visiting Mara region.

Our group toured the Iramba islands on Lake Victoria, whose residents' principal economic activity is fishing.

To the residents of Iramba boat transportation serves as an important means of travel to other islands and across the Lake to Majita.

Our hour-long boat trip could not have been possible without the expert local knowledge of a local resident who served as our guide and who during most of the trip helped me with taking photographs.

He dangled precariously in front of the boat to take some of the pictures and I was at times worried he would loose his balance and fall into the Lake - with my camera.

I was not worried for his safety because I knew he could swim. My camera could not.

He did not only care for his own safety, but had absolutely no qualms against turning a member of our team, Aysha, into one of the deck chairs as he took the liberty of leaning against her for a photograph.

We concluded that unless he is barred from becoming a local tourist guide, we would not recommend Iramba as one of the tourist itineraries.

The mischief of our guide could not detract from the unique beauty of the surrounding area, with mountain islands that seemed to sprout up from the Lake, and a rich and varied bird colony in some of the islands.

Other posts in this 2011 review series:

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